Climate Change Adaptation Tools for Environmental Risk Mitigation of Acid Sulphate Soils (CATERMASS)

Starting year


End year


Objectives of the project

Mapping and risk classification of AS-soils Environmental impact assessment and risk scenarios Mitigation methods and their adaptation to the changing climate conditions Socio-economic impacts and participatory multicriteria analysis of adaptation tools Dissemination of the best environmental practices in changing climate conditions


Responsible organization

Original organization

Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute


Vehanen Teppo

Related organizations

University of Helsinki
Åbo Akademi University
Geological Survey of Finland
Natural Resources Institute Finland
Finnish Environment Institute
Lapin ELY-keskus / Elinkeinot
Pro Agria (Viljellään viisaasti-hanke)


Results and impact

CATERMASS produces literature, www-material, seminars, future workshops and demonstrations to be utilized by farmers, citizens, researchers and decision makers.

Other information


Acid sulphate soils, Eu, Fish kills, Happamuus, Ilmastonmuutos, Land use, Sulfaattimaa, Ympäristö