Towards a generic, mechanistic plankton food web model for the northern Baltic Sea (DHYBRIS)

Starting year



Responsible organization


Risto Lignell

Related organizations

Finnish Meteorological Institute
Lappeenrannan kaupunki
Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto

Other information


Algal bloom, Baltic sea, Ennusteet, Eutrophication, Forecasts, Inland waters and aquatic resources, Itämeri, Kuormitus, Leväkukinta, Load, Mallit, Marine strategy, Merenhoito, Mertensuojelu, Models, Nutrients, Pollution load on water bodies, Protection of the marine environment, Ravinteet, Rehevöityminen, Research, Syke themes, Syken teemat, Tutkimus, Water protection, Watershed models, Vesiensuojelu, Vesistökuormitus, Vesistömallit, Vesistöt ja vesivarat