Utilization of less-valuable fish material in food, feed and bioenergy
Starting year
End year
Objectives of the project
Responsible organization
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Results and impact
Industrial collaborators of the project, as well as other companies in bioenergy business, feed and food industry, are potential utilizers of business innovations on the area. New raw materials and more efficient utilization of by-products will increase the turnover of the companies, lower the costs of by-product handling and enhance the productivity and profitability of the business. Additionally, fish farmers can benefit by getting locally produced fish protein for fish feed, since currently all fish based components derive from the oceans. If new utilization schemes are discovered they are likely to be incorporated into business relatively easily by modifying existing practices. At the same time environmental condition can be improved in a sustainable, profit making manner. A more profound R&D program to confirm the preliminary results of this study and to develop and test the potential business models will be planned in close collaboration with involved companies and created networks.
Other information
Added value, Arvoketju, Bioenergia, Bioenergy, Biogas, Biokaasu, By-products, Cyprinids, Cyprinids, Fish biomass, Ingredients, Kalabiomassa, Poistokalastus, Reduction fisheries, Sivutuote, Särkikalat, Underutilized fish, Vajaasti hyödynnetty kala, Value-chain