Preparation of Codes of Good Environmental Practice in Fish Farming for the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad Oblast

Starting year


End year


Objectives of the project

The main object of the "Preparation of Codes of Good Environmental Practice in Fish Farming" -project is to ensure sustainable growth of the sector also in the future by offering "tools" for aquaculture companies and authorities to support development of efficient and environmentally sound production.


Responsible organization

Original organization

Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute


Kiuru Tapio


Results and impact

As an outcome of the project a manual of the best environmental practices will be produced. Due to diverse needs in the target groups, aquaculture companies and public sector, the manual have two main parts. The first and more practical part introduces the latest environmental practices and technologies and their pros and cons. The second part deals with regulations, operation guidance, licensing and follow-up of the activities. The latter part will describe current systems in both countries (Finland and Russia) to give wider perspective for further development of Russian practices.

Other information


Kalanviljely, Kalatalous, Luoteis-venäjä, Ympäristö