Capacity building for the development of selective breeding programs in Vietnam ─ special focus on global climate change and environmental sustainability
Starting year
End year
Objectives of the project
In the current project, aim is to increase the changes to avoid disasters caused by diseases and weather conditions by building capacity to develop Vietnam?s own national selective breeding fish material adapted to local conditions, and to monitor and treat fish health issues.
Responsible organization
Original organization
Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute
Ahvonen Anssi
Related organizations
Natural Resources Institute Finland
Finnish Food Authority
Hankkeen rahoittaja on Suomen ulkoministeriö.
Results and impact
The overall objective of the project is to support poverty alleviation and gender equality through strengthening the capacity of RIA-1, which enables RIA-1 to be in charge of sustainable development of freshwater aquaculture sector in Vietnam to meet the increasing challenges of achieving environmental sustainability and adapting to climate change.
Other information
Capacity building, Cold water aquaculture, Kalanviljely, Kirjolohi, Luonnonvaratalouden kannattavuus ja kilpailukyky, Rainbow trout farming, Selective breeding, Vesiviljely