Construction and introduction of a GIS database for reindeer herding (POROT GIS project)
Starting year
End year
Objectives of the project
Responsible organization
Original organization
Related organizations
Results and impact
The project has collected all geographic information on reindeer herding, its operating areas and its structures from 22 herding cooperatives and transferred it into the geographic information system. This information is currently being checked by the herding cooperatives. Updated pasture inventories have been made for each herding cooperative included in the project based on satellite image interpretation. In addition, geographic information analysis describing the effects of land use on reindeer herding and the usability of pastures has been conducted for each herding cooperative. The data collected is being transferred into the HARAVA system, and the use of the data within the system is being planned. The data collected and produced in the project can be used for land-use planning and guidance (regional land-use plans, local master plans), for example. In addition, the database helps to monitor and demonstrate changes taking place on reindeer pastures and in the reindeer pasture environment.
Other information
Elinympäristöt ja monimuotoisuus, Gis, Habitats and biodiversity, Land use, Maankäyttö, Paikkatietojärjestelmät, Poro, Porolaidun, Poronhoito, Reindeer, Reindeer herding, Reindeer pasture