Monitoring required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSD) ? coastal fish species and seabirds
Starting year
End year
Objectives of the project
The national monitoring programme and programme of measures will be completed with respect to issues relating to fish, marine mammals and seabirds. The monitoring programme will include a general description of those existing monitoring activities, the results of which will be used as the basis for the initial assessment of the status of the marine environment as required by the MSD. Sampling is used in several ongoing monitoring projects, such as those on the condition and reproductive health of seals, sampling fish using multi-mesh gillnets, and the growth of migrant whitefish swimming upriver to spawn. Modern statistical methods (power analysis, simulation) will be used to examine the sufficiency of sampling arrangements and sampling, and where necessary, sampling will be optimised in such a way that sufficient data will be collected as cost-effectively as possible for the planned indicators describing the status of the sea. Similar work will also be carried out on any monitoring activities and indicators that may be included later.
As many of the indicators relating to fish, marine mammals and seabirds as possible will be made operational during the project so that the indicators and the data needed for them are clearly described and that at least preliminary limit values or targets have been set for the good status indicators. In addition, some new indicators resulting from international cooperation and harmonisation of monitoring may be developed and tested in the project. For the present, most of the indicators being developed and tested are status indicators measuring the status of a marine region. In addition, needs are likely to arise during the preparation of the programme of measures for developing new indicators relating to pressures caused by human activity, as well as indicators relating to the monitoring of the implementation of the programme of measures. The new status and pressure indicators will also mainly be developed on the basis of existing monitoring activities or data sources.
Responsible organization
Original organization
Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute
Lappalainen Antti
Related organizations
Finnish Environment Institute
SLU (Ruotsi)
Viron merentutkimuslaitos
Other information
Diversity, Elinympäristöt ja monimuotoisuus, Environment, Itämeri, Luonnonvarojen seuranta ja arviointi, Meristrategiadirektiivi, The eu?s marine strategy framework directive