Baltic seals ? balancing between sustainable ecosystem management and fisheries (ECOSEAL)

Starting year


End year


Objectives of the project

- to study and analyse diet of seals based on samples from hunted and by-caught seals in Central Baltic area, and to produce information for a bioenergetic model of the ecological role of seals in the Baltic sea - to gather information on the demographic structure of hunted and by-caught seals, which will be used further in a mathematical risk analysis model on the management decisions concerning Baltic seal populations - to develop solutions and tools to diminish the conflict between seals and fisheries


Responsible organization

Original organization

Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute


Ahola Markus

Related organizations

University of Helsinki
Natural Resources Institute Finland
Högskolan på Åland
Lapin ELY-keskus / Elinkeinot


Results and impact

The knowledge produced in collaboration with different interest groups can be utilised in the management of Baltic seal populations as well as in diminishing the conflict between seals and human activities in Finland, Sweden and Estonia.

Other information


Baltic sea, Baltic seals, By-catch, Fisheries, Hunting, Hylje-kalastus-ristiriita, Hyljekannat, Hylkeet, Hylkeiden ravinto, Itämeri, Kalastus, Luonnonvarojen käytön yhteensovittaminen, Metsästys, Seal nutrition, Seal populations, Seal-fisheries conflict, Sivusaalis