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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconWide Area RTK Based on EGNOS and Galileo (WARTK)National Land Survey of Finland2005Projects information icon'REMOTE Renewable Energy Training and Demonstration Network for Remote Communities in the NPP AreaNatural Resources Institute Finland2012Projects information icon. Socioeconomics of small-scale fisheries in Datça-Bozburun Special Environmental Protection Area (SEPA), (Eastern Mediterranean), Turkey. Funded by United Nations Development Program under the project PIMS 3697: Strengthening Protected Area Network of Turkey: Catalyzing Sustainability of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas.University of Helsinki-Projects information iconDetermination of Recreational Use Value of Marine Protected Areas: Ayvalık Islands Marine Protected Area Case. Ege University Scientific Research Project, Project No: 2010/SÃœF/021University of Helsinki-Projects information iconIntroduction of environmentally friendly agriculture system as the basis for sustainable development of cross-border rural area 01Natural Resources Institute Finland2019Projects information iconOther Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECM) - Aineistojen tarkastelu ja raportoinnin kehittäminen osana EU:n BD strategian sitoumusten toimeenpanoaFinnish Environment Institute2023Projects information iconSocial and Economic Aspects of Recreational Fishing in Foça and Gökova Special Environmental Protection Areas. Funded by United Nations Development Program under the project PIMS 3697: Strengthening Protected Area Network of Turkey: Catalyzing Sustainability of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas.University of Helsinki-Projects information iconTowards semi-supervised characterization and large-area planning of forest resources using airborne laser scanning data acquired for digital elevation modellingUniversity of Helsinki2016Projects information iconCreating co-operation in transboundary areas around HaltiNatural Resources Institute Finland2018Projects information iconAdapted and resilient oats for northern periphery areasNatural Resources Institute Finland2022