Displaying results 1 - 10 / 20
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconFinnish forests and wood products in climate change mitigationUniversity of Helsinki2004Projects information iconCo-designing Holistic Forest-based Policy Pathways for Climate Change MitigationNatural Resources Institute Finland2022Projects information iconQuantifying the potential of boreal peatland rewetting for climate change mitigationUniversity of Helsinki2021Projects information iconNovel soil management practices - key for sustainable bioeconomy and climate change mitigationNatural Resources Institute Finland2018Projects information iconTrade-offs and synergies in land-based climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservationNatural Resources Institute Finland2019Projects information iconNovel soil management practices - key for sustainable bioeconomy and climate change mitigation 2Natural Resources Institute Finland2021Projects information iconCost-effective actions and incentives for climate change mitigation in agriculture and forestryNatural Resources Institute Finland2021Projects information iconPotential of continuous cover forestry for climate change mitigation, wood production and biodiversity protectionUniversity of Helsinki2015Projects information iconBeyond Carbon - Climate Change Mitigation by Optimizing Forest Management for Timber, Carbon and AlbedoNatural Resources Institute Finland2016Projects information iconDemonstration of climate change mitigation measures in nutrients rich drained organic soils in Baltic StatesNatural Resources Institute Finland2019