Displaying results 1 - 10 / 13
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconLand fragmentation in agriculture -Causes, consequences and measuresNatural Resources Institute Finland2017Projects information iconEvolutionary consequences of eutrophication of the Baltic SeaUniversity of Helsinki2011Projects information iconEcological consequences of interactions between native and invading mesopredators in the Baltic SeaUniversity of Helsinki2021Projects information iconClimate variability in NW Europe during the last 4000 years and its ecological consequencesUniversity of Helsinki2008Projects information iconPhysiological Branch-Points with Ecosystem Consequences: Isotopic Coupling of Carbon and Water in Boreal ForestsUniversity of Helsinki2017Projects information iconConsequences of an increased growth of filamentous algae for the littoral ecosystem of the Baltic SeaUniversity of Helsinki2013Projects information iconGlobal drivers, local consequences: Tools for global change adaptation and sustainable development of industrial and cultural Arctic hubs (ArcticHubs)Natural Resources Institute Finland2020Projects information iconResource competitive ability of marine phytoplankton along a salinity gradient and the consequences for stoichiometric variation in the seaUniversity of Helsinki2018Projects information iconImpact of climate change on the top-down effect of a dominant mesopredator in the Baltic Sea and the ecological consequencesUniversity of Helsinki2021Projects information iconEnergetic consequences of hydropeaking conditions on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)Natural Resources Institute Finland2011