Displaying results 1 - 10 / 17
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconMountain lake fishes and environmental changeUniversity of Helsinki2005Projects information iconGeoinformatics for Monitoring and Modeling of Environmental ChangeUniversity of Helsinki-Projects information iconSedimentary egg banks as indicators of environmental change (EGGER)University of Helsinki2012Projects information iconReconstructing past responses of zooplankton communities to environmental change using resurrection ecology and paleogenomicsUniversity of Helsinki2014Projects information iconGlacial-interglcial environmental changes in FennoscandiaUniversity of Helsinki2007Projects information iconMeasuring and modelling the dynamic response of remote mountain lake ecosystems to environmental change: A programme of Mountain Lake Research (MOLAR) ENV4 CT95 0007University of Helsinki1996Projects information iconGenetic resources in the northern part of Europe - The present state and future with major environmental changesNatural Resources Institute Finland2006Projects information iconARCtic Marine Resources under Climate Change: Environmental, Socio- Economic Perspectives and GovernanceUniversity of Helsinki2016Projects information iconPrecision nutrient management - a tool for mitigation of climate change and environmental loading in boreal forestry 01Natural Resources Institute Finland2022Projects information iconCATERMASS LIFE+ (Climate Change Adaptation Tools for Environmental Risk Mitigation of Acid Sulphate Soils; Activities at University of Helsinki)University of Helsinki2010