Displaying results 1 - 10 / 13
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconEEMA - Economic and Environmental Material Flow AnalysisUniversity of Helsinki1999Projects information iconCascading carbon flow in managed forested catchments (CASCAS)University of Helsinki2019Projects information iconPlug flow reactor based Acid fermentation for Small-Scale BIOrefineriesNatural Resources Institute Finland2018Projects information iconRiver flows - Life goesNatural Resources Institute Finland2019Projects information iconOccurrence, sources and pre­vention of an­timicrobial res­istance in West Africa - fol­lowing the flow of AMR genes between humans, animals and environmentUniversity of Helsinki2018Projects information iconDeep-HEAT-Flows: Syvän geotermisen energiaresurssien tutkiminenGeological Survey of Finland2023Projects information iconGenetic control of everbearing flowering trait in octoploid strawberriesUniversity of Helsinki2019Projects information iconRegulation of flower symmetry in Gerbera hybrida (Asteraceae)University of Helsinki2007Projects information iconMolecular network connected to flower type differentiation in Gerbera hybridaUniversity of Helsinki2011Projects information iconIdentification and functional characterization of Flower specific Ubiquitin Proteasome System.University of Helsinki2011