Displaying results 1 - 10 / 19
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information icon3D Tree Models for Forest Dynamics -kokousNatural Resources Institute Finland2019Projects information iconCircular Business Models for Sustainable Urban Food SystemsUniversity of Helsinki2020Projects information iconO3 and NOx interactions with foliage: improving current knowledge and modelsUniversity of Helsinki2010Projects information iconForest models for research and decision support in sustainable forest managementUniversity of Helsinki2007Projects information iconPrediction of the regional variation of forest productivity using process-based models.University of Helsinki2004Projects information iconDucks as models for assessIng endocrine DISRUPTing chemicals in the aquatic environmentUniversity of Helsinki-Projects information iconEconomic studies for developing interdisciplinary models for sustainable management of renewable natural resourcesUniversity of Helsinki-Projects information iconFrom forest structure to hydrological function - merging dense Earth Observation data and process-modelsNatural Resources Institute Finland2023Projects information iconStructural dynamics in a hierarchical system: mathematical and computational methods for forest growth modelsUniversity of Helsinki2000Projects information iconDesign and development of realistic food models with well characterised micro- and macro-structure and compositionUniversity of Helsinki2009