Displaying results 1 - 10 / 48
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconPossibilities of peatfields for peat energy productionUniversity of Helsinki2010Projects information iconTropical Peat Interactions with Acid Sulphate SoilNatural Resources Institute Finland2007Projects information iconKeys for Securing Tropical Peat Carbon (KEYTROP)University of Helsinki2004Projects information iconReconciling commercial exploitation of peat with biodiversity in peatland ecosystemsâ€?, RECIPE, Finnish partner in EU-financed RD projectUniversity of Helsinki2003Projects information iconDo shrubs destroy or maintain peat soil carbon pools?Natural Resources Institute Finland2022Projects information iconTropical Peat Biochemical Interactions with Acid Sulphate Soils (TROPEASS)University of Helsinki2007Projects information iconEU SERVICE CONTRACT to improve understanding of greenhouse gas impacts of using peat or peat grown biomass for transport fuels or peat grown biomass for transport fuels or other types of energyUniversity of Helsinki2010Projects information iconRestoration Impact on Tropical Peat Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics (RETROPEAT)University of Helsinki2011Projects information iconBiomarkers - new potential method to study highly humified peat componentsUniversity of Helsinki2010Projects information iconAvailability of fertilizer selenium in peat soils - Seleenilannoituksen käyttökelpoisuus turvemaassaUniversity of Helsinki2007