Displaying results 1 - 7 / 7
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconSustainable recovery and recycling of nutrients - safety and efficacyNatural Resources Institute Finland2014Projects information iconFeCoVERY – Recovery and sustainable use of Baltic Sea ferromanganese concretions as a resource of hi-tech metalsGeological Survey of Finland2022Projects information iconMaan hiili- ja typpivarastojen toipuminen metsäpalojen jälkeen ja muutokset hiilen kiertonopeudessa. Recovery of soil carbon and nitrogen pools following forest fires and changes in soil carbon turnover (RECANIFIRE).University of Helsinki2011Projects information iconIntegrative systems to assess ecological status and recovery of water bodies (WISER)Finnish Environment Institute2009Projects information iconSmall-scale wastewater treatment systems: governance, efficiency, resources recovery, environment contamination risks and innovative solutions for processes optimization (ON-SITE)Finnish Environment Institute2019Projects information iconThe recovery of River Mustajoki trout (RIFCI)Natural Resources Institute Finland2011Projects information iconUrban circular economy in practice by managing the recovery of critical metals in micro-e-mobility: Technical solutions and governance implications (UC-Mobility)Finnish Environment Institute2023