Displaying results 1 - 10 / 14
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconReal-Time AI-Supported Ore Grade Evaluation for Automated Mining - RAGENational Land Survey of Finland2019Projects information iconGeospatial info-mobility service by real-time data-integration and generalisation (GiMoDig)National Land Survey of Finland2001Projects information iconAssessing the impact of digital technology solutions in agriculture in real-life conditionsNatural Resources Institute Finland2022Projects information iconMixed Reality HubUniversity of Helsinki2018Projects information iconTOOLMOD, Tools for adjusting and choosing of machines in real time crop cultivation in futureUniversity of Helsinki2010Projects information iconRealistiset tavoitteet peltoviljelyn kuormitusvähennyksilleNatural Resources Institute Finland2009Projects information iconRealistiset tavoitteet peltoviljelyn kuormitusvähennyksilleUniversity of Helsinki2009Projects information iconArtificial Intelligence Based Mixed Reality Decision Support System for AgricultureNatural Resources Institute Finland2018Projects information iconTeknologiateollisuus 100-vuotissäätiö: Yhdistetyn todellisuuden myynti- ja koulutussovellusten laboratorio - Mixed Reality HubUniversity of Helsinki2018Projects information iconDesign and development of realistic food models with well characterised micro- and macro-structure and compositionUniversity of Helsinki2009