Displaying results 1 - 10 / 46
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soilsNatural Resources Institute Finland2020Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils WP3b_SIRENNatural Resources Institute Finland2021Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils WP3b CarboSeqNatural Resources Institute Finland2020Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils WP3b INSURENatural Resources Institute Finland2020Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils WP3b SOMMITNatural Resources Institute Finland2020Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils WP3b SCALENatural Resources Institute Finland2021Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils WP3b_i-SoMPENatural Resources Institute Finland2021Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils WP3b-EOM4SOILNatural Resources Institute Finland2021Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils WP3b-PRAC2LIVNatural Resources Institute Finland2023Projects information iconTowards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils WP3b ARTEMISNatural Resources Institute Finland2023