Displaying results 1 - 7 / 7
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconESTAT grant on ecosystem accountingNatural Resources Institute Finland2019Projects information iconSustainaBle uRban plannIng Decision support accountinG for urban mEtabolism,University of Helsinki2008Projects information iconNovel methods for the accounting of forest ecosystems and circular materialsNatural Resources Institute Finland2020Projects information iconThe determinants of and tools for accounting student’s learning in bachelor thesis seminarUniversity of Helsinki2012Projects information iconFrom Marine Ecosystem Accounting to Integrated Governance for Sustainable Planning of Marine and Coastal Areas - MAREAFinnish Environment Institute2020Projects information iconNovel methods for the accounting of forest ecosystems and circular materials (ENVECO)Finnish Environment Institute2020Projects information iconTowards ecosystem accounting based on innovations and insights on natural capital knowledge ESTAT-EEAFinnish Environment Institute2017