Displaying results 1 - 10 / 147
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconFoals' motor development projectUniversity of Helsinki2015Projects information iconFoals' cognitive development projectUniversity of Helsinki2017Projects information iconEcovillages for sustainable rural developmentNatural Resources Institute Finland2011Projects information iconSupport for NFI development in MyanmarNatural Resources Institute Finland2018Projects information iconSeed potato development project in TanzaniaUniversity of Helsinki2012Projects information iconDevelopment of the Handheld SISNeT ReceiverNational Land Survey of Finland2002Projects information iconKASPNET (Karelian Atlantic Spatial Development Perspectives) -projektiUniversity of Helsinki2000Projects information iconDevelopment of meat-bone meal based fertilizersUniversity of Helsinki2007Projects information iconSystems analysis of forest stand development 1University of Helsinki1981Projects information iconEnlarging the Theoretical Understanding of Rural DevelopmentNatural Resources Institute Finland2009