Displaying results 1 - 10 / 13
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconEnvironmental impacts of seabed exploitationUniversity of Helsinki2017Projects information iconEnvironmental impacts of cultured meatUniversity of Helsinki2019Projects information iconBiohiili, kiertotalous ja metsätalouden vesistöhaittojen torjunta (Biochar, circular economy and the reduction of environmental impacts of forestry)University of Helsinki2018Projects information iconConnecting the animal genome, gastrointestinal microbiomes and nutrition to improve digestion efficiency and the environmental impacts of ruminant livestock productionNatural Resources Institute Finland2012Projects information iconDevelopment and application of new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development programmes in the EUNatural Resources Institute Finland2013Projects information iconMicrofluidic in vitro tools for studying human drug metabolism and understanding its impacts on the environmental healthUniversity of Helsinki2016Projects information iconA tool for assessing environmental and economic impacts of forest bioenergy (METY)Finnish Environment Institute2013Projects information iconEnvironmental impacts of material flows caused by the Finnish economy (ENVIMAT) (2006-2008)Finnish Environment Institute2006Projects information iconFramework for developing companies’ environmental life-cycle impactsFinnish Environment Institute2015Projects information iconImpacts of Terrestrial Organic Matter Loading on Lake Food Webs and Human Health - Challenges for Environmental Regulation (TERLA consortium)Finnish Environment Institute2012