Displaying results 1 - 10 / 20
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconGovernance of the conservation of native breedsNatural Resources Institute Finland2016Projects information iconSocially and Culturally Sustainable Natural Resource GovernanceNatural Resources Institute Finland2020Projects information iconEnvironmental Vulnerability, Social Resilience and Multi-scale GovernanceUniversity of Helsinki-Projects information iconCoherent policies and governance of the Baltic Sea ecosystemsUniversity of Helsinki2015Projects information iconIntegrated governance of Baltic herring and salmon stocks involving stakeholdersUniversity of Helsinki2015Projects information iconARCtic Marine Resources under Climate Change: Environmental, Socio- Economic Perspectives and GovernanceUniversity of Helsinki2016Projects information iconCollaborative Learning in Research, Information-sharing and Governance on How Urban forest-based solutionsNatural Resources Institute Finland2019Projects information iconBuilding shared knowledge capital to support natural resource governance in the Northern Periphery (Preparatory Call)Natural Resources Institute Finland2015Projects information iconBuilding shared knowledge capital to support natural resource governance in the Northern periphery (Main call)Natural Resources Institute Finland2016Projects information iconEuropean Integration and the Transformation of National Governance Structures - Rural Development and the Common Agricultural PolicyNatural Resources Institute Finland2010