Displaying results 1 - 10 / 84
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconImpact of light pollution on aquatic invertebratesUniversity of Helsinki2021Projects information iconImpact of different honeys against severe human bacterial pathogensUniversity of Helsinki2014Projects information iconImpact of fur animal farm on environment and the reverseNatural Resources Institute Finland2006Projects information iconRestoration Impact on Tropical Peat Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics (RETROPEAT)University of Helsinki2011Projects information iconAntibiotic resisstance in human impacted environmentsUniversity of Helsinki2011Projects information iconImpact of phloem-xylem interaction and sink behavior on leaf gas exchange.University of Helsinki2014Projects information iconImpact of phloem-xylem interaction and sink behavior on leaf gas exchangeUniversity of Helsinki2014Projects information iconImpact of climate change on C and N transformations in organic soilsUniversity of Helsinki2008Projects information iconAssessing the impact of digital technology solutions in agriculture in real-life conditionsNatural Resources Institute Finland2022Projects information iconImpact analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy reform on main agricultural commodities (IPTS project)Natural Resources Institute Finland2006