Displaying results 1 - 10 / 11
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconManagement of trees for farmland rehabilitationUniversity of Helsinki2000Projects information iconForest Landscape Rehabilitation in the Mekong River BasinUniversity of Helsinki2013Projects information iconForest Landscape Rehabilitation in the Mekong Basin (FORMEB)University of Helsinki2009Projects information iconForest restoration and rehabilitation in Southeast Asia (FORRSA)University of Helsinki2005Projects information iconTropical forest management and rehabilitation as means of biodiversity conservation in AfricaUniversity of Helsinki1997Projects information iconAnimal welfare for wild animals - conservation, rewilding, research, rehabilitation, hunting, and other human activitiesNatural Resources Institute Finland2019Projects information iconTrees for the Yangtze River: Watershed management and ecosystem rehabilitation in Sichuan Province, China (WAMEC)University of Helsinki2004Projects information iconCarbon Sequestration and Soil Fertility on African Drylands: Implications for Food and Woodfuel Production, Land Rehabilitation and Community Development (CASFAD)University of Helsinki2009Projects information iconCarbon sequestration and Soil Fertility on African Drylands: Implications for Food and Woodfuel Production, Land Rehabilitation and Community Development (CASFAD)University of Helsinki2009Projects information icon“Tropical Dryland Rehabilitation: Case Study on Participatory Forest Management in Gedaref, Sudan" as part of the project: “Improved forest management for combating desertification in Sudano-Sahelian Africa.�University of Helsinki2002