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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconAdded Blue -scales and vitamin DNatural Resources Institute Finland2017Projects information iconControlling benthic release of phosphorus in different Baltic Sea Scales (PROPPEN).University of Helsinki2009Projects information iconSocial-ecological relations and gender equality: Dynamics and processes for transformational change across scalesUniversity of Helsinki2018Projects information iconResponses of boreal ecosystem carbon exchange to changing environment in different spatio-temporal scales (REBECCA)University of Helsinki2005Projects information iconREBECCA - Responses of northern ecosystem carbon exchange to changing environment, in different spatio-temporal scalesUniversity of Helsinki2005Projects information iconHow does climate change affect spatial distributions and damages by forest insect pest? Change detection at multiple scales by means of remote sensing and bioclimatic modelsUniversity of Helsinki2009Projects information iconImpacts of climate change on multiple ecosystem services: Processes and adaption options at landscape scales (CLIMES)Finnish Environment Institute2012Projects information iconSecuring the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels ands spatial, temporal and Ecological Scales (SCALES)Finnish Environment Institute2009