Displaying results 1 - 10 / 22
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconVirus replication machineries - Structure and functionUniversity of Helsinki2017Projects information iconExploiting and improving structure-forming capabilities of plant proteinsUniversity of Helsinki2021Projects information iconModSim - Modelling and simulation of stand structure and developmentNatural Resources Institute Finland2017Projects information iconSpatial genetic structure of trophic levels in fragmented landscapesUniversity of Helsinki-Projects information iconCoupling Northern boreal forest structure and biomass with shortwave albedoUniversity of Helsinki2011Projects information iconEvaluation of epaxial muscle structure in dogs with spinal diseaseUniversity of Helsinki2013Projects information iconFERMAID – Ferromanganese concretion structure and trace element composition as climate archivesGeological Survey of Finland2020Projects information iconModelling growth and yield in forests of diverse canopy structure (multilayered stands)Natural Resources Institute Finland2020Projects information iconIntOat -Interactions of oat macromolecules and their role in the structure formationUniversity of Helsinki2022Projects information iconStructure function relationship of exopolysaccharides in relation to starch digestibility in fermented cereal matrixUniversity of Helsinki2009