Displaying results 1 - 10 / 26
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconGeo-Bio Hazards in the Arctic RegionNatural Resources Institute Finland2019Projects information iconThe Arctic Ark. Human-animal relations in the Arctic: genetic and folk adaptation practices in a changing environmentNatural Resources Institute Finland2015Projects information iconHazArctic – Geo-Bio Hazards in the Arctic RegionGeological Survey of Finland2019Projects information iconIlluminating microbial role in the Arctic N-cyclingNatural Resources Institute Finland2023Projects information iconInternational network for terrestrial research and monitoring in the arcticNatural Resources Institute Finland2015Projects information iconBeyond the shore: sea-ice change and lake ecosystems in the ArcticUniversity of Helsinki2020Projects information iconSisters in the Arctic Blue - Advancing a Gender Perspective in Arctic Marineand Coastal Social Science ResearchNatural Resources Institute Finland2021Projects information iconUAV-MEMO - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Mineral Explration and Mining Operations in the Arctic Areas of FinlandGeological Survey of Finland2015Projects information iconWP 1. Black carbon in the recent past of the Arctic / Novel Assessment of Black Carbon in the Eurasian Arctic: From Historical Concentrations and Sources to Future Climate ImpactsUniversity of Helsinki2016Projects information iconMetsäpalojen pitkän aikavälin vaikutukset ikirouta-alueen arktisten ja sub-arktisten metsien hiili- ja typpivarastoihin sekä hiilen ja typen kiertoon (ARCTICFIRE) Long term effects of fire on carbon and nitrogen pools and fluxes in the arctic permafrost and subarctic forests (ARCTICFIRE)University of Helsinki2015