Minimising fire risks at chemical storage facilities: Basis for the guidelines for safety engineers

Minimising fire risks at chemical storage facilities: Basis for the guidelines for safety engineers

Year of publication



Hietaniemi, Jukka; Esko, Mikkola


The report addresses fire safety engineering problems of chemical storage facilities. The methodology of the guidelines is based on the ISO/TC 92/SC4 Fire Safety Engineering -documents. The basic elements of fire safety design of a chemical warehouse are described: construction design, model fires and fire simulation, storage and packaging, preventive and protective systems, building location and safety distances. Concerning the design of the warehouse construction, the following items are discussed: compartmentation and structures, escape routes, smoke ventilation and retention of spills and fire fighting water. Design fires and fire development are discussed with an emphasis on the fire simulation models. The influence of the storage layout and packaging on the fire spread and the consequences of fire are discussed, including the effects of the size and separation of the stacks, the physical properties of the packaging and the nature of the stored materials, as well the mechanisms in which packaging can contribute to the fire. The discussion on the preventive and protective systems includes treatise on alarms and fire detection, sprinklers and other automated means of extinction. Also some conclusions derived from the TOXFIRE project on the influence of extinction on chemical fires are presented. An assessment of safety of the chemical storage facilities includes a brief discussion on the warehouse location, orientation and site access. The question of safety distances is handled in more details by presenting a four-step procedure as a guide to assess low risk distances. The ingredients of this procedure are 1) the survival fraction, 2) toxicity values, 3) fire scenario, dispersion and weather situation, and 4) the exposure time.
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Organizations and authors

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

Hietaniemi Jukka

Esko Mikkola

Publication type

Publication format




MINEDU's publication type classification code

D4 Published development or research report or study

Publication channel information


VTT Tiedotteita - Meddelanden - Research Notes


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland



Open access

Open access in the publisher’s service


License of the publisher’s version

Other license



Other information

Fields of science

Civil and construction engineering



International co-publication


Co-publication with a company


The publication is included in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Publication data collection
