Science and research elsewhere

Actors supporting or monitoring science and research in Finland

  • Universities Finland UNIFI
  • UNIFI promotes intra-university cooperation and highlights the common positions of Finnish universities on key policy issues related to research and education.
  • Finnish Partnership for Research Institutes (Tulanet)
  • A collaborative forum that serves as a common voice for research institutes in the development work related to research policy and research systems.
  • Academy of Finland
  • The Academy of Finland funds high-quality scientific research, serves as an expert body in science and scientific policy, and strengthens the position of science and research.
  • Business Finland
  • Business Finland provides innovation funding and internationalization services and promotes travel and investments to Finland.
  • Association of Finnish Foundations
  • The only benefit and support organization for foundations in Finland. Its 206 members support science, the arts and other social developments with more than half a billion euros each year.
  • The Council of Finnish Academies
  • The cooperative body of Finnish academies of science. Its task is to promote the prerequisites for research and improve the impact of science. The four academies of science in Finland promote free research and scientific discussion.
  • Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
  • An independent expert body on scientific practice and policy. In addition to promoting the cooperation between scientific communities, its key tasks include the development of scientific communication and publishing activities, the promotion of research data and the use of research data in society, and the coordination of open science.
  • The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies’ member societies
  • A learned society which is a registered association or other community which has shown to promote scientific research can be accepted to be a member of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. The learned societies have more than 260,000 individual members and represent a wide range of scientific expertise from all disciplines.
  • Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK
  • The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK is an expert body appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. It promotes good scientific practices, prevents research-related misconduct, and fosters discussion and information on research ethics.
  • Committee for Public Information (TJNK)
  • The Committee for Public Information (TJNK) is an expert body that serves under the Ministry of Education and Culture. It monitors the achievements made in research, arts and technology in Finland, as well as the development of other national and international knowledge.
  • National Library of Finland
  • The National Library of Finland is responsible for the collection, description, preservation and accessibility of Finland’s printed national heritage and the unique collections under its care. It also serves as the national service and development unit for Finnish libraries.
  • FinELib
  • FinELib is a consortium of Finnish higher education institutions, research institutes and public libraries. Its task is to secure and improve the availability of electronic materials. The consortium negotiates the e-material agreements of the Finnish scientific community with various publishers.
  • Open Science Coordination
  • Promotes internal discussion within the Finnish research community on the objectives and means of open science and research, increases cooperation, and raises awareness of the opportunities and challenges of open scholarship and the solutions to these challenges.
  • CSC – IT Center for Science
  • CSC is a Finnish center of expertise in information technology owned by the Finnish state and higher education institutions. It provide internationally high-quality ICT expert services for higher education institutions, research institutes, culture, public administration and enterprises.

International actors in science and research

  • European Commission, Horizon 2020
  • European science and research have been widely funded between 2014 and 2020 under the framework program. The next framework program, Horizon Europe, will be launched at the end of 2021.
  • European Research Council (ERC)
  • Grants funding to top researchers and their research groups for pioneering basic research under the Horizon 2020 program. The ERC operates as an independent scientific council composed of a group of distinguished and experienced scientists.
  • European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
  • A collaboration network established to promote the objectives of open science. It aims to build a pan-European infrastructure and set of practices for open science that will help bring together various national and international systems.
  • European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
  • The Strategy Forum supports a coherent and strategy-driven approach to research infrastructure policy in Europe and promotes initiatives that improve the use and development of research infrastructures in Europe and internationally.
  • OpenAIRE
  • An EU-funded open science project whose most visible part is a portal for searching open online materials.
  • An international organization that manages the ORCID iD researcher identifier and the associated research output database.


  • Publication service for Finnish scholarly journals. The site currently publishes around 90 scholarly journals and yearbooks.

Research data

  • Finnish Social Science Data Archive
  • Archives and provides research data for research, teaching and study purposes.
  • service
  • The service operated by the Finnish National Agency for Education contains information and research data about data collection on early childhood education, preschool and primary education, upper secondary school education and vocational training.
Science and research elsewhere -