Displaying results 1 - 10 / 90
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Authors / organizations
JYFL-ACCLAB-NSG002 Producing radioactive isotopes with 84Kr on 92,96Mo fusion-evaporation reaction for the Kiihdytin Hiukkasen high-school competition
Use of public natural environment as a means of inclusion for people with a migration background: PPGIS survey data
B-spline-Based surface reconstruction for the analysis of distorted panels
Survey data: Use of public natural environment as a means of inclusion for people with a migration background
Motives and emotions related to physical activity 2019-2021
Interviews with Gerontological Social Work and Diaconal Work Clients and Those Working with Older Adults 2021
MotoR multimodal process data of secondary school students' collaborative learning
University Staff Sustainability Survey Data
Interaction, Development and Learning (VUOKKO): A longitudinal study from toddlerhood to grade 5
Multi Room Transition Dataset
Displaying results 1 - 10 / 90
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