Act with Nature (AWN): Promoting well-being and pro-environmental behaviour among working-age adults during the era of environmental crises

Description of the granted funding

Environmental crises are among humanity's greatest challenges. Evidence-based interventions are urgently required that will support wellbeing of working-age adults and facilitate pro-environmental behaviour change. Previous research indicates that information campaigns or rewarding certain behaviors are not sufficient. Rather, a therapeutic and social support approach for coping with emotions is needed. The aim of this project is to deepen understanding regarding the development of and relationship between coping with environment-related emotions, nature connectedness and pro-environmental behaviour. Based on this, we aim to develop - in collaboration with multidisciplinary scientists - and test a nature-based group intervention programme (Act with Nature; AWN) to support behavior change. We compare findings between Finland and the United Kingdom. Our framework builds on a novel, nature-based approach and we aim to create long-term impacts on well-being of human and non-human nature.
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Granted funding

Katriina Hyvönen
277 830 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

Academy projects

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