Personalized digital intervention to decrease sedentary behavior and increase physical activity in rehabilitation after cardiac operations, the PACO trial

Description of the granted funding

The main objective of the PACO trial is to examine the benefits of personalized interactive guidance to increase PA and reduce prolonged SB among patients recovering from cardiac procedures in a randomized controlled trial. The development in patient's postoperative exercise capacity and quality of life, and the reduction in incidence of major cardiovascular events will be investigated. Patient in the intervention group will use interactive accelerometer 24 h per day during the 12 weeks postoperative period, which enables to measure the effect of total step count, PA and SB on quality of life, amount of deep sleep and other secondary outcome. Patients will receive weekly evolving personalized goals to increase PA and reduce SB through their ExSed application. Also, the associations between patient's preoperative objectively measured SB and PA and prevalence of postoperative complications will be investigated.
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Granted funding

Sami Äyrämö Orcid -palvelun logo
299 892 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

Academy projects

Other information

Funding decision number


Research fields

Kliiniset lääketieteet