From climate change to attribution of extremes and their impacts in Finland and Northern Europe
Description of the granted funding
The methods developed in the project help to quantify 1) the effect of climate change on individual, observed extreme weather events and 2) the corresponding effect to directly or indirectly weather-related damages in northern Europe. We use three methods for modifying observed time series of weather, to make them representative of 1) the preindustrial climate, 2) a stationary current climate, and 3) a warmer future climate. One method is based on observations, one on global climate models, and one on new very high-resolution (2.5 km) regional climate model simulations. These methods will be combined to provide the Finnish public with real-time information on the effect of climate change on concurrent weather conditions through FMI's weather services. The high-resolution regional climate model simulations will also be used to drive forest impact models to assess the effect of climate change on windstorm damages, snow load damages and spruce bark beetle outbreaks in forests.
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Granted funding
Research Council of Finland
Funding instrument
Academy projects
Decision maker
Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering
Other information
Funding decision number
Fields of science
Research fields
Meteorologia ja ilmakehätieteet, ilmastotutkimus