Off-Grid Water Electrolyzers Supplied by Solar and Wind Power

Description of the granted funding

Hydrogen is considered a most promising pathway to go to meet emission reduction targets and achieve the decarbonization of the entire power generating and using industry. The amount of renewable hydrogen generated is therefore expected to radically increase. Hydrogen is needed to produce carbon neutral fuels for transportation, raw materials for the chemical industry, seasonal energy storage, to replace coal use in the steel industry, and even for the future food production. Water electrolyzers will have a key role to play in this development. The proposed project researches the operation of electrolysis plants supplied by wind and solar power in off-grid systems. Specifically, it tackles the challenge of how the energy efficiency, component dimensioning and control could be optimized to minimize the cost of generated hydrogen. The research outcomes will deliver energy- and cost-efficient electrolyzer systems that will help to provide cost-competitive hydrogen to the consumer.
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Starting year


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Granted funding

Antti Kosonen Orcid -palvelun logo
569 161 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

Academy projects

Decision maker

Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering

Other information

Funding decision number


Fields of science

Electronic, automation and communications engineering, electronics

Research fields
