Finnish Social Science Data Archive -- CESSDA Finland

Description of the granted funding

Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) is an expert organisation and Service Provider (SP) for CESSDA ERIC, a distributed European infrastructure for social sciences. FSD curates and preserves digital research data collected to study society, population, and culture. FSD offers information services and support for data management, to facilitate easy and legitimate reuse of data. The development project Accelerate, Integrate, Mobilise, Sustain – FSD AIMS 2030 addresses the changes in the operating environment of data services. Activities include adopting artificial intelligence; developing textual data collection and archiving tool & pioneering legal reuse procedures for longitudinal qualitative data; managing memberships in LIS Data Center, International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) and European Value Study (EVS) & coordination of ISSP and EVS surveys; enhanced integration into the (meta)data landscape; strategic networking and community engagement (
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Starting year


End year


Granted funding

Helena Laaksonen Orcid -palvelun logo
1 001 542 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

Research infrastructure

Other information

Funding decision number


Research fields
