Displaying results 1 - 10 / 14
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Granted funding
Starting year
Projects information iconReconsidering the Political: Concept, History, and ApplicationsKone FoundationTimo Pankakoski, University of Helsinki2025Projects information iconThe Pedagogy of Caring for Others: A Non-Affirmative Praxis for Promoting Sustainable SchoolsKone FoundationKhalil Gholami, Åbo Akademi University2024Projects information iconEnhancing resilience in boreal forests to face climate change challengesKone FoundationMaría Triviño, University of Jyväskylä2023Projects information iconSustainable wood fibers: current trends and the futureKone FoundationSunil Kumar Lindström Ramamoorthy, University of Eastern Finland2023Projects information iconKnowledge building and social innovation for a successful, more effective and CO-produce urban SECURity solutionsEuropean UnionSAFERGLOBE RY2023Projects information iconAccess to justice for marginalized groups of older people in ageing society (AMIS)Research Council of FinlandItä-Suomen yliopisto2023Projects information iconPreventing obesity through Biologically and bEhaviorally Tailored inTERventions for you - BETTER4UEuropean UnionPIRKANMAAN HYVINVOINTIALUE; University of Helsinki2023Projects information iconSocially sustainable working lives – focus on age diversity & -friendliness in leadership and HRMKAUTE-säätiöChristina Söderberg2022Projects information iconOur Planet at Play: Understanding and creating game-based climate change engagementMaj and Tor Nessling FoundationDaniel Fernandez Galeote2021Projects information iconConsumers' conflicting reactions to sustainable consumptionResearch Council of FinlandLappeenrannan–Lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT2021