Displaying results 1 - 7 / 7
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Granted funding
Starting year
Projects information iconEnhanced understanding of CarbOn and groundWAter Dynamics in European peatlands and their related ecosystem services (ECO-WADE)Research Council of FinlandGeologian tutkimuskeskus2025Projects information iconScientific real-time and predictive weather radar service about migration dynamics of insects and birds in Finland for scientists, wind energy sector, agriculture, aviation and birdwatchersMaj and Tor Nessling FoundationNadja Weisshaupt2024Projects information iconJoint effects of land use and climate change on biodiversity: understanding past trends and predicting future outcomesKone FoundationRémi Duflot, University of Jyväskylä2022Projects information iconResilience of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems under bioclimatic changeResearch Council of FinlandIlmatieteen laitos2021Projects information iconResilience of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems under bioclimatic changeResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2021Projects information iconMedia platforms and social accountability: Dynamics, practices and discoursesResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2020Projects information iconMultidisciplinary Approach to Plan Smart Specialisation Strategies for Local Economic DevelopmentEuropean UnionAalto University2015