Displaying results 1 - 10 / 1206
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Starting year
Projects information iconLGBTQIA+ Gender Identity Exploration Through Video Game MechanicsKone FoundationMariia Maletska, Tampere University2025Projects information iconDENVAX: Targeting mechanical immune memory to optimize human dendritic cell vaccinesResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2025Projects information iconIt's about TIME: Improving lung cancer treatment selection through better understanding of the tumor immune microenvironmentResearch Council of FinlandTampereen yliopisto2025Projects information iconAalto Ice TankResearch Council of FinlandAalto-yliopisto2025Projects information iconDeconstructing adaptive evolution of metastasisEuropean UnionUniversity of Helsinki2025Projects information iconMalaria: from complement evasion to vaccinesResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2025Projects information iconMedical implications of short template-switch mutationsResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2025Projects information iconCost-efficient and highly sensitive nanostructured NIR detector technologies - Ready to enter the market? (NIR-REM)Research Council of FinlandAalto-yliopisto2025Projects information iconRealizing designer quantum matter in van der Waals heterostructuresEuropean UnionAalto University2025Projects information iconTalking Green Grassroot Democracy: Revisiting the anatomy of joint decision-making with and among young climate activists in Finland and SwedenKone FoundationMelisa Stevanovic, Tampere University2025