Displaying results 1 - 10 / 54
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Projects information iconMicropollutants abatement from wastewater by using alkali-activated foams as catalyst supports in advanced oxidation processesMaa- ja vesitekniikan tuki ryMehedi Rabbil2025Projects information iconMethane to methanol by biomimetic catalystsResearch Council of FinlandTampereen yliopisto2025Projects information iconMethane to methanol by biomimetic catalystsResearch Council of FinlandÅbo Akademi2025Projects information iconSynergistic Surface Nanocrystallization and oxidation treatment for Hydrogen Embrittlement resistant steelsResearch Council of FinlandOulun yliopisto2024Projects information iconRole of oxidation and Nrf2 in systematic approach to study adverse effects of ultrafine particlesResearch Council of FinlandItä-Suomen yliopisto2024Projects information iconRole of oxidation and Nrf2 in systematic approach to study adverse effects of ultrafine particlesResearch Council of FinlandTampereen yliopisto2024Projects information iconRole of oxidation and Nrf2 in systematic approach to study adverse effects of ultrafine particlesResearch Council of FinlandItä-Suomen yliopisto2024Projects information iconA novel approach for antibiotic inactivation in wastewater using biosorption and advanced oxidation processes in cold regionsMaj and Tor Nessling FoundationKateryna Tsytlishvili2024Projects information iconWastewater as a resource: Treatment and reuse of wastewater using Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) to help tackle the water crisisMaa- ja vesitekniikan tuki ryGaurav Singhal2024Projects information iconThe costs of the dissertation, such as book printing, costume rental and evening dinner.Maa- ja vesitekniikan tuki ryMika Christophliemk2024