Displaying results 1 - 10 / 46
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Granted funding
Starting year
Projects information iconTransnational flows: The impact of transatlantic conservative networks on Finnish and EU environmental, health and social policiesKone FoundationValentine Berthet, Tampere University2025Projects information iconTactical agency and reimagining democratic participation in a multiplex world: Southern experiencesKone FoundationHenri Onodera, University of Helsinki2025Projects information iconCREATE. Cross-REalm modelling and assessment of Aquatic ecosystem services: Towards a science-based design of nature-based solutions to tackle EutrophicationResearch Council of FinlandItä-Suomen yliopisto2025Projects information iconModels, Assessment, and Policies for SustainabilityEuropean UnionTampere University2024Projects information iconNovel Effect biomarkers for MEtabolic disruptorS: evidence on health Impacts to answer science and policy needSEuropean UnionUniversity of Oulu; University of Eastern Finland; Tampere University2024Projects information iconMultidimensional Transition Pathway Analysis for Sustainable Futures: Exploring Alternative Paradigms and Broadening Policy Options through Innovative Scenario DevelopmentEuropean UnionVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd2024Projects information iconSupporting the potentials of digital, data-driven solutions for livestock trackingEuropean UnionVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd; Natural Resources Institute Finland; Finnish Food Authority2024Projects information iconEnvironmental factors and 24-hour movement behaviors in different contextsResearch Council of FinlandTurun yliopisto2024Projects information iconArctic Pollution in a One Health perspective - from complex challenges to sustainable solutionsEuropean UnionUniversity of Oulu2024Projects information iconFit for governing the triple planetary emergency? Towards enabling sustainability transformations at international science-policy interfacesKone FoundationMoritz Petersmann, University of Eastern Finland2023