Displaying results 1 - 10 / 11
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Starting year
Projects information iconREACTION - Navigating the Risks of Hydroclimatic Extremes for Freshwater Ecosystem Services in Forest LandscapesResearch Council of FinlandLuonnonvarakeskus2025Projects information iconJoint effects of land use and climate change on biodiversity: understanding past trends and predicting future outcomesKone FoundationRémi Duflot, University of Jyväskylä2022Projects information iconPotential cascading of wood from the built environmentKone FoundationBahareh Nasiri, Aalto University2022Projects information iconPotential cascading of wood from the built environmentKAUTE-säätiöBahareh Nasiri2022Projects information iconDecision Support for the Supply of Ecosystem Services under Global ChangeEuropean UnionUniversity of Eastern Finland2021Projects information iconEstimating Forest Resources and Quality-related Attributes Using Automated Methods and TechnologiesResearch Council of FinlandMaanmittauslaitos2020Projects information iconEstimating Forest Resources and Quality-related Attributes Using Automated Methods and TechnologiesResearch Council of FinlandMaanmittauslaitos2020Projects information iconMaking forest asset management easyEuropean UnionWUUDIS SOLUTIONS OY2017Projects information iconOperational sustainable forestry with satellite-based remote sensingEuropean UnionEUROPEAN FOREST INSTITUTE2017Projects information iconEfficient forestry by precision planning and management for sustainable environment and cost-competitive bio-based industryEuropean UnionMETSATEHO OY; METSALIITTO OSUUSKUNTA; OY ARBONAUT LTD; UPM-KYMMENE OYJ; STORA ENSO OYJ; Natural Resources Institute Finland2016