Displaying results 1 - 10 / 13
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Starting year
Projects information iconUncovering turgor sensing in the Arabidopsis cambium.European UnionUniversity of Helsinki2024Projects information iconBoreal peatlands under stress: unraveling plant water-carbon interactions during and after drought (PeatStress)Research Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2024Projects information iconImproving biodiversity impact assessment for regenerative farming using LCA and eDNAKone FoundationNatasha Järviö, LUT University2024Projects information iconThe regulatome of plant cell deathResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2024Projects information iconFuture Instrumentation and coNtrol based on innovative methods and Disruptive technologies for higher safety levelEuropean UnionVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd2024Projects information iconThe role of bark in tree survival under drought stress (ROBAST)Research Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2023Projects information iconAquatic Encounters, experimental publicationKone FoundationElina Suoyrjö2023Projects information iconLife after drought: towards a mechanistic understanding of tree resilience (DroughTRes)Research Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2023Projects information iconUtilization of Marginal lands for growing sustainable industrial crops and developing innovative bio-based productsEuropean UnionNOKIAN RENKAAT OYJ2022Projects information iconImproving stormwater retention and filtration capacity of a vertical garden system by manipulating water pathway design, plant species, soil microbial community, and different soil typesMaj and Tor Nessling FoundationLong Xie2022