Accelerator laboratory of the university of Jyväskylä



Infrastructure description

JYFL-ACCLAB, the Accelerator Laboratory of the Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, is one of the leading stable-ion beam facilities in Europe recognized by the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010) and by ESFRI (Roadmap 2016 - Landscape Analysis). It has operated as one of the EU Large Access Infrastructures since the EU-FP4 programme. It is one of the three accredited radiation test facilities of the European Space Agency (ESA). It is the main Finnish contributor to the international FAIR project (ESFRI Landmark) and has close connections to the ISOLDE ISOLDE project at CERN. JYFL-ACCLAB constitutes the Academy of Finland’s Centre of Excellence in Nuclear and Accelerator Based Physics and has a national role as a centre of expertise and training in the use of accelerator technology and radiation.

Scientific description

Start of activity


Responsible organisation

University of Jyväskylä


accelerator based research, ion-beam applications, nuclear physics, radiation detectors

Research infrastructure services

Ion beams delivered by the accelerator facilities

RADEF irradiation facility

Ion-beam applications at the Pelletron accelerator

IGISOL ion-guide facility

Recoil separators

Other information


On the Academy of Finland roadmap


Contact information


Fysiikan laitoksen kiihdytinlaboratorio

