Displaying results 1 - 10 / 15
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconInnovative consumer-driven multisensory food experienceUniversity of Helsinki2017Projects information iconIncreasing consumer trust and support for the food supply chainUniversity of Helsinki2020Projects information iconIncreasing consumer trust and support for the food supply chainUniversity of Helsinki2021Projects information iconEngineering of oat proteins: Consumer driven sustainable food development processNatural Resources Institute Finland2015Projects information iconConsumer learning to enhance the knowledge of products with geographical indicationsNatural Resources Institute Finland2013Projects information iconHealthy milk: Key Components of Milk Hygiene from Farm to ConsumerNatural Resources Institute Finland2011Projects information iconConPaSS: Consumer-inclusive packaging system: sustainability with circularity and bio-based materialsUniversity of Helsinki2021Projects information iconBUILDING UP WOOD CONSTRUCTION MARKETS WITH CONSUMER KNOWLEDGE, INDUSTRIAL AND MUNICIPAL STRATEGIESUniversity of Helsinki2020Projects information iconEIT FOOD Innovative tools to produce legume-based foods for increased consumer acceptanceUniversity of Helsinki2020Projects information iconLiproco “ Lien Producteur consommateur� : the relationship between the producer and the consumerUniversity of Helsinki2010