Displaying results 1 - 7 / 7
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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconEmbedding environmental sustainability norms in societyUniversity of Helsinki2020Projects information iconECOSUS- Economic and environmental sustainability of forest utilization alternatives - Strategic potentials and challenges for bioeconomyUniversity of Helsinki2013Projects information iconCAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTIVE BREEDING PROGRAMS IN VIETNAM ? SPECIAL FOCUS ON GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYNatural Resources Institute Finland2014Projects information iconCAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTIVE BREEDING PROGRAMS IN VIETNAM â?? SPECIAL FOCUS ON GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYNatural Resources Institute Finland2014Projects information iconSocial and Economic Aspects of Recreational Fishing in Foça and Gökova Special Environmental Protection Areas. Funded by United Nations Development Program under the project PIMS 3697: Strengthening Protected Area Network of Turkey: Catalyzing Sustainability of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas.University of Helsinki-Projects information icon. Socioeconomics of small-scale fisheries in Datça-Bozburun Special Environmental Protection Area (SEPA), (Eastern Mediterranean), Turkey. Funded by United Nations Development Program under the project PIMS 3697: Strengthening Protected Area Network of Turkey: Catalyzing Sustainability of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas.University of Helsinki-Projects information iconCapacity building for the development of selective breeding programs in Vietnam ─ special focus on global climate change and environmental sustainabilityNatural Resources Institute Finland2013