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Project's name
Starting year
Projects information iconICI Vietnam and NepalNatural Resources Institute Finland2010Projects information iconCapacity building for value chains of wood products industries in Vietnam 2021-2023Natural Resources Institute Finland2021Projects information iconPlanning phase - Improving Research Capacity of Forest Resource Information Technology in Vietnam and NepalNatural Resources Institute Finland2009Projects information iconVietnamin puuteollisuuden tuki, vaihe 1Natural Resources Institute Finland2019Projects information iconCAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTIVE BREEDING PROGRAMS IN VIETNAM ? SPECIAL FOCUS ON GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYNatural Resources Institute Finland2014Projects information iconCAPACITY BUILDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTIVE BREEDING PROGRAMS IN VIETNAM â?? SPECIAL FOCUS ON GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYNatural Resources Institute Finland2014Projects information iconPartnership between public and private actors in forest sector development: Options for dryland Africa based on experiences from Sudan, with case studies on Laos, Nepal, Vietnam, Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania. Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs Commissioned Research.University of Helsinki2004Projects information iconBiodiesel production from closed-algae growing systems using waste water of ethanol plant in Vietnam (ALGNAM)Finnish Environment Institute2012Projects information iconCapacity building for the development of selective breeding programs in Vietnam ─ special focus on global climate change and environmental sustainabilityNatural Resources Institute Finland2013Projects information iconDevelopment and Implementation of Climate Change Adaption Measures in Coastal Areas in Vietnam (VIETADAPT)Finnish Environment Institute2011