Displaying results 1 - 10 / 103
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Authors / organizations
Hiilipolku, metsänomistajien kyselyainesto
JYFL-ACCLAB-M22 Completing the proton drip line with promethium
Service quality evaluation: Feedback data to improve service delivery and assess the quality of outcomes.
Metadata of the study: Interaction, development & learning (VUOKKO) - A longitudinal study from toddlerhood to Grade 3
Political Action of Corporate Social Responsibility (PAROL)
Evaluation of Strategic Research Programmes 2015-2021: Self-assessment Survey for Consortia Members 2022
Development phase material: Women with criminal background, traumatic experiences, and development of women specific services (RITA)
Development Phase, Initial Survey: Women with criminal background, traumatic experiences, and development of women specific services (RITA)
Sansar social virtual reality video corpus
Video corpus of team meetings in immersive virtual reality
Displaying results 1 - 10 / 103
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