Redesigning Early Foreign Language Learning through Multiliteracies (MultiELL)

Description of the granted funding

The project combines applied linguistics and educational research perspectives to gain critical understanding of language teachers' and learners' conceptualizations of language and multiliteracies and the reflection of these in teaching and learning practices in early language learning. The project draws on the theoretical framework of the Douglas Fir Group and operationalizes it with the 3 phases of Nexus analysis (engage, navigate, change). Participatory and visual methods and data, method, and researcher triangulation are applied throughout. The recruited teachers and learners and a live sketchnoter are equal partners in data generation and interpretation and all data is analysed in interdisciplinary research and collaborator teams by using multiple methods. The novelty value of the project lies in its multiliteracies perspective to language education, which importantly bridges divides between language subjects, educational contexts, language syllabi, and language teacher profiles.
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Starting year


End year


Granted funding

Karita Mård-Miettinen Orcid -palvelun logo
584 180 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

Academy projects

Decision maker

Scientific Council for Social Sciences and Humanities

Other information

Funding decision number


Fields of science


Research fields

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