Displaying results 1 - 10 / 439
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Starting year
Projects information icon??Creating high resolution atmospheric data-based greenhouse gas budgets by supercomputing and machine learning (CHARM)?Research Council of FinlandIlmatieteen laitos2025Projects information iconImpacts of climate, N and P deposition and land use on water as a driver of the greenhouse gases regulatory ecosystem service in headwater catchmentsResearch Council of FinlandItä-Suomen yliopisto2025Projects information iconRestoring Peatlands: Predicting Biodiversity, GHG Dynamics, and Economic OutcomesKone FoundationPriscillia Christiani, University of Oulu2025Projects information iconA Key Agent of Green Transition in the Oil and Gas Industry: Climate Activist ShareholdersKone FoundationAtalay Yavan, University of Jyväskylä2024Projects information iconBiomarkers in gastric cancer.Orion Research Foundation srMaarit Janita Eskuri2024Projects information iconEfficient zero-emissions gas turbine POWER system for MARitime transportEuropean UnionALFA LAVAL AALBORG OY; AURELIA TURBINES OY; LUT University2024Projects information iconPrecision nutrition approach for increasing fibre intake and health using microbiota-matched sustainable fibre sourcesEuropean UnionUniversity of Helsinki2024Projects information iconGreenHouse gas dynamics of Urban Green SpaceResearch Council of FinlandIlmatieteen laitos2024Projects information iconGreenHouse gas dynamics of Urban Green SpaceResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2024Projects information iconCooperation and AgReements enhancing Global interOperability for Aerosol, Cloud and Trace gas research infrastructuresEuropean UnionUniversity of Helsinki; Finnish Meteorological Institute2024