Displaying results 1 - 10 / 95
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Projects information iconCommon Language Resources and Technology InfrastructureResearch Council of FinlandCSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy2026Projects information iconOpen Geospatial Information Infrastructure for ResearchResearch Council of FinlandCSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy2025Projects information iconNocturnal Being(s): Foreign Wanderers in the Precarious Weather-Scape of the NorthKone FoundationGeorgios Manoudakis, University of Eastern Finland2025Projects information iconPreterm birth, being born small for gestational age and the risk of multimorbidity among children and adolescentsResearch Council of FinlandTerveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos2024Projects information iconSaving, shifting or shivering? Mapping and measuring energy poverty in the Nordic countries (EP-Nordic)Research Council of FinlandAalto-yliopisto2024Projects information iconUnfolding the processes between user needs and health and welfare technology in socio-technical transition of health and care services (UPSCALE)Research Council of FinlandLappeenrannan–Lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT2024Projects information iconA Challenging Arctic Battlefield: History and Legacy of the Northernmost Front of the Second World WarResearch Council of FinlandItä-Suomen yliopisto2024Projects information iconTransferable models for remote sensing of forest biomass with spaceborne lidarResearch Council of FinlandAalto-yliopisto2024Projects information iconDigital Twin of Boreal Forest Structure with Remote Sensing and Forest Inventories (DigiTForest)Research Council of FinlandLuonnonvarakeskus2024Projects information iconHeterobasidion Conifer Pathosystem: Functional role of novel biomolecules in pathogenesis and disease resistanceResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2024